Tuesday, November 6, 2007
What a Thought dude !!!!!!!!!!
What say ????
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Indian Idol Sucks-More than Vacuum Cleaner!!!!

Indian Idol Sucks-More than Vacuum Cleaner
Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during the writing of any content found here (some people might get harmed after reading). May contain traces of nuts.
It’s third year in our engineering tenure, finally we get single rooms and the extra element of privacy which al of us yearned the last two years. Naturally most of us were confined to our respective rooms our faces glued to our personal laptop screens as if all of us were getting a chance to watch our respective gf’s.
One evening we were at LC (that is miles away from our hostel Karma) having our evening “Nashtha” (We often go there) ; my two friends Jitendra ,Rawat and myself. We are returning from LC after having “Nastha” and were just about 500 meters from our hostel totally exhausted (due to the humid heat and the fact that we have walked more than two miles) when suddenly Rawat gets a phone call which ends in about 20 seconds (now this is very unusal) he murmers something to Jitendra and they both start running wildly. I thought we were cased by dogs so I too start running without looking back .In the hostel I realize that Rawat got a phone call about the latest episode of Indian Idol and that made them run quite similar to pace of a cheetah !
In weekdays when we have an off lecture or during breaks we earlier use to sit under a tree outside our department on stationery bikes discussing about “The new Babe in college” or how to tease a girl classmate .But now when the finals of Indian Idol 3 are round about the corner we are at the same place discussing about “Surrs” , “Taal” and “Raghas”…Uhhgg!@#$?? Sorry I am unable to digest all that.
Well I personally think that Indian Idol Suxx –More than Vacuum cleaner. It’s more of a Hype and Hysteria than a talent show .I think the only people who benefit out of this is Sony Entertainment Television ,Sponsors and Mobile service providers (by the loads of SMS that the Indian Idol fans send to vote their idols) and the people who are robbed and raped are we the public.
Like last year the Indian Idol 2 finals resulted in a full scale war between “Bikaner and Hyderbad” ,”North and South” and “Myself against Indian Idol fans”. All would agree to me that Indian Idol is an exact stolen version of American Idol. And also the fact that Karunya was a better singer than Sandeep .Well SMS polls, the basic way of selecting the idols in both the American and the Indian version does’nt quite work well in India.
You see in America all its citizens are well versed with English .But this ain’t the case in India .People from the north watch the stupid reality show more than those of south simply because they aren’t well versed with the language .More over there is no restrictions in the number of SMS’s one can send. Thus, I feel Karunya deserved to be the Indian Idol than Sandeep.
Nm……I’m being one of em’
Well our branch the ceramic Third year, possesses quite awesome talent (in terms of singing) the likes of Anand (We will rock you) ,Abhishiek (Linkin Park’s Numb), Rawat (Pathshala),Asav (Don’t need to specify the songs) ,Jitendra (Bluffmaster song) .Some have even recorded their singing talent and are just waiting to email it to the leading music producers of India (No need to specify the name rite?).Well when we are at bathroom it’s a common tradition for us to sing (obviously in this no audience is allowed like Indian Idol). I personally believe that our “Bathroom Idol” is a million times better than Indian Idol. (I’m not sayin’ this sarcastically).
With every year the hype goes on becoming worse. When I see my dear friends watching the program I notice them smiling wanting to be in the position of the idols .Doing extensive research in the lifes of Karunya and Sandeep from the net.
Well they have to be reminded of living specie named “Girls”.
Well again I would like to assert that I am not against the Indian Idol singers, infact “ they rock!!” .I’m simply against the unnecessary hype over the show. Perhaps the “enthu “ which one spends on watching and discussing these Indian Idols could be used more productively in course work or just reading the newspaper (Keeping yourself engrossed and aware with current events) instead it being wasted in watching futile Indian Idol shows.
Why you are right when you often think your girlfriend is a bitch!!!

Why you are right when you often think your girlfriend is a bitch!!!
Well the are some of the points that I think what modern day Indian love is all about
Ø Have to go out on a date with your girlfriend almost daily whether you like it or not. (Please don’t think I am crazy .Come on dating (the same girl) initially is adventurous but with time it becomes mundane to the core!) .
Ø On every date it is as if it were a universal axiom that the “Guy has to bear the burden of all the expenditure” .Well come on in every affair not only does the guy love the gal but it is also vice versa! (Guy’s in every case, in front of a girl do not want to be thrifty all the time right!).
Ø A guy has to deliberately listen to all the jokes told by the counterpart (All of which will be the worst PJ’s you could possibly think of).
Ø Have to bear the million times a day frequency of tantrums thrown by your girl, you have no other alternatives.
Ø You go to a crowded place, say a mall with your girlfriend .She is alongside you, held close to you. You are in on “cloud nine” –“What else can possibly go wrong” is what you are thinking……….Two girls happen to cross your path .I happen to glance at them (“Yaar as a result of natural reaction Of course!”)
Your girl looks at you and says”Oh! You don’t love me any more .You bloody pervert.”
You are left nothing but aghast.
Ø You are in an argument with your girl you have to keep shut during the entire tenure of the torturous ordeal and let her yell loud at you. If you attempt even the slightest on your part to defend yourself (Obviously your point is most of the time sensible most of the time) your girl realizes she is arguing bullshit and starts crying out loudly.
Hell! Now you feel you are screwed. You feel as if you are in an Armageddon type situation .You desperately need to hug her ,to clam her down .Probably have to take her to the ice cream parlor and get her the most expensive ice cream or promise to get her a new dress the next day. You have to crack your brains out so as to describe how much you love her. (You could do much better in academics if you work the same amount of you head)
Ø Probably the most difficult situation to deal with is when your girl says “We need to TALK “.All will agree on the fact that the timing of this kind of situation comes at the most unexpected time.
Ø When you on the verge of break off with your girlfriend (Doesn’t matter how long your relationship might have lasted) ,your girl will show an extremely unpredictive behavior and will strive hard so as to make the rest of your life as miserable as possible.
Guys be frank .You at least face some of these problems with your girl right? Well if you do not face I guess you are very lucky .May be real true love is written in your fate .Maybe she is the girl of your life-Your Soulmate.
After all we are Indians

After all we are Indians
I basically write this blog after Indian shocking first round exit from the ever important cricket world cup 2007 (only thing i'm presenting it here after a long time) .Team India after all its hype failed to beat even a single test playing nation at the center stage. Well if you ask me they exhibited the same mistakes that an average Indian citizen does and which is the only factor responsible India not being a developed nation in this present world (leave aside the general reasons that we pose for i.e. Bribery and corruption among top notch officials in the government).
Once again take the example of the cricket world cup, just because we are a country of a billion cricket viewers and the fact that the Indian team had the best so called “on paper “wasn’t going to give us a direct entry to the super eight stage .Even the best of the best have to prove themselves in each and every competition that they face .Indian team’s debacle in CWC 2007 should be taken as an excellent example of famous Charles Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest.
Life is such that one cannot afford to relax after a success cause if he/she does so failure will be in his door step.
Also I have seen even educated Indians trying to stay away from modernization, western civilization .Well I ask a question why look at every thing the bad way .I mean obviously the bad things like drugs, alcohol etc ought to be avoided but should the good thing be too (Industrialization, Improved knowledge, sports, better educations, urbanizations, developments of global hubs, SEZs)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
What a life!!!What an anomaly
Most of the time in a year I find myself in 2m*6m room with my computer and a few books. Mess food that any layman would puke the instant having the first bite .One cannot get an empty bathroom to answer nature’s call in the morning and on top of that we have to form a huge queue to do the morning activity. Department that is millions of light years away were we have to go four times a day (we come back during lunch) walking .Failing to keep a good attendance in class one can be in serious academic trouble (year backs). Winters go with us students shivering under our blankets 24/7 with no provision of heaters or even warm bathing waters. The solace that one would get feeling cool breeze of an air conditioner on a humid summer day ,I seem to have a memory lapse of how it be.
And the list doesn’t end there .Ever decreasing (very important )grade points with each passing semester and inability to make future plans tends to make one suicidical. Every passing semester ends with us students severely studying for the end semester examinations not even getting a single spare second even to have three daily meals .(Of course the only time we study in a semester is this time ) .Adding to this is nostalgia of childhood days and homesickness .Not to mention the serious lack of sleep among us .
I just cannot remember the last time I had a chill out in a vacation away or in a resort.
Well all this is my side of the story or an average IITans life .I happened to be with some of my school friends during my endsems break .They were not fortunate (I think the word fortunate is not apt here considering what I wrote above )enough to clear IIT-JEE exams and neither did they fare well in other state engineering examinations. But being born with a golden spoon they got admissions in private engineering colleges of Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore at the expense of huge sums of money .When I talk to them I feel shocked and fuel with jealousy to know about their flamboyant lifestyle. Daily buzzing the streets of their corresponding metros high speed in their Karismas or CBZ’s .Hanging out almost daily in pubs and nightclubs .Living in king size rooms fully accommodated with personal bathrooms ,air conditioners to chill in summers and heaters to defreeze during the winters .Not to mention their severe consumption of tobacco ,alcohol and even drugs.
Well these are my views and I donot feel that the 7000 odd people who join the IIT’s ,IT-BHU and ISM-Dhanbad or some of the NIT’s each year wouldn’t consider I am wrong.
I just cannot imagine the fact that an equally frustrated peer group that is the only thing one as an individual had can mitigate our severely monotonous lives .
One is often lured by elders (constituting mainly parents and professors) that the hardships the one faces in undergraduate engineering studies will one day pay in exchange of a comfortable life in distant future ,but I ask the question what about this life now ???????.....