Why you are right when you often think your girlfriend is a bitch!!!
Well the are some of the points that I think what modern day Indian love is all about
Ø Have to go out on a date with your girlfriend almost daily whether you like it or not. (Please don’t think I am crazy .Come on dating (the same girl) initially is adventurous but with time it becomes mundane to the core!) .
Ø On every date it is as if it were a universal axiom that the “Guy has to bear the burden of all the expenditure” .Well come on in every affair not only does the guy love the gal but it is also vice versa! (Guy’s in every case, in front of a girl do not want to be thrifty all the time right!).
Ø A guy has to deliberately listen to all the jokes told by the counterpart (All of which will be the worst PJ’s you could possibly think of).
Ø Have to bear the million times a day frequency of tantrums thrown by your girl, you have no other alternatives.
Ø You go to a crowded place, say a mall with your girlfriend .She is alongside you, held close to you. You are in on “cloud nine” –“What else can possibly go wrong” is what you are thinking……….Two girls happen to cross your path .I happen to glance at them (“Yaar as a result of natural reaction Of course!”)
Your girl looks at you and says”Oh! You don’t love me any more .You bloody pervert.”
You are left nothing but aghast.
Ø You are in an argument with your girl you have to keep shut during the entire tenure of the torturous ordeal and let her yell loud at you. If you attempt even the slightest on your part to defend yourself (Obviously your point is most of the time sensible most of the time) your girl realizes she is arguing bullshit and starts crying out loudly.
Hell! Now you feel you are screwed. You feel as if you are in an Armageddon type situation .You desperately need to hug her ,to clam her down .Probably have to take her to the ice cream parlor and get her the most expensive ice cream or promise to get her a new dress the next day. You have to crack your brains out so as to describe how much you love her. (You could do much better in academics if you work the same amount of you head)
Ø Probably the most difficult situation to deal with is when your girl says “We need to TALK “.All will agree on the fact that the timing of this kind of situation comes at the most unexpected time.
Ø When you on the verge of break off with your girlfriend (Doesn’t matter how long your relationship might have lasted) ,your girl will show an extremely unpredictive behavior and will strive hard so as to make the rest of your life as miserable as possible.
Guys be frank .You at least face some of these problems with your girl right? Well if you do not face I guess you are very lucky .May be real true love is written in your fate .Maybe she is the girl of your life-Your Soulmate.
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