Indian Idol Sucks-More than Vacuum Cleaner
Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during the writing of any content found here (some people might get harmed after reading). May contain traces of nuts.
It’s third year in our engineering tenure, finally we get single rooms and the extra element of privacy which al of us yearned the last two years. Naturally most of us were confined to our respective rooms our faces glued to our personal laptop screens as if all of us were getting a chance to watch our respective gf’s.
One evening we were at LC (that is miles away from our hostel Karma) having our evening “Nashtha” (We often go there) ; my two friends Jitendra ,Rawat and myself. We are returning from LC after having “Nastha” and were just about 500 meters from our hostel totally exhausted (due to the humid heat and the fact that we have walked more than two miles) when suddenly Rawat gets a phone call which ends in about 20 seconds (now this is very unusal) he murmers something to Jitendra and they both start running wildly. I thought we were cased by dogs so I too start running without looking back .In the hostel I realize that Rawat got a phone call about the latest episode of Indian Idol and that made them run quite similar to pace of a cheetah !
In weekdays when we have an off lecture or during breaks we earlier use to sit under a tree outside our department on stationery bikes discussing about “The new Babe in college” or how to tease a girl classmate .But now when the finals of Indian Idol 3 are round about the corner we are at the same place discussing about “Surrs” , “Taal” and “Raghas”…Uhhgg!@#$?? Sorry I am unable to digest all that.
Well I personally think that Indian Idol Suxx –More than Vacuum cleaner. It’s more of a Hype and Hysteria than a talent show .I think the only people who benefit out of this is Sony Entertainment Television ,Sponsors and Mobile service providers (by the loads of SMS that the Indian Idol fans send to vote their idols) and the people who are robbed and raped are we the public.
Like last year the Indian Idol 2 finals resulted in a full scale war between “Bikaner and Hyderbad” ,”North and South” and “Myself against Indian Idol fans”. All would agree to me that Indian Idol is an exact stolen version of American Idol. And also the fact that Karunya was a better singer than Sandeep .Well SMS polls, the basic way of selecting the idols in both the American and the Indian version does’nt quite work well in India.
You see in America all its citizens are well versed with English .But this ain’t the case in India .People from the north watch the stupid reality show more than those of south simply because they aren’t well versed with the language .More over there is no restrictions in the number of SMS’s one can send. Thus, I feel Karunya deserved to be the Indian Idol than Sandeep.
Nm……I’m being one of em’
Well our branch the ceramic Third year, possesses quite awesome talent (in terms of singing) the likes of Anand (We will rock you) ,Abhishiek (Linkin Park’s Numb), Rawat (Pathshala),Asav (Don’t need to specify the songs) ,Jitendra (Bluffmaster song) .Some have even recorded their singing talent and are just waiting to email it to the leading music producers of India (No need to specify the name rite?).Well when we are at bathroom it’s a common tradition for us to sing (obviously in this no audience is allowed like Indian Idol). I personally believe that our “Bathroom Idol” is a million times better than Indian Idol. (I’m not sayin’ this sarcastically).
With every year the hype goes on becoming worse. When I see my dear friends watching the program I notice them smiling wanting to be in the position of the idols .Doing extensive research in the lifes of Karunya and Sandeep from the net.
Well they have to be reminded of living specie named “Girls”.
Well again I would like to assert that I am not against the Indian Idol singers, infact “ they rock!!” .I’m simply against the unnecessary hype over the show. Perhaps the “enthu “ which one spends on watching and discussing these Indian Idols could be used more productively in course work or just reading the newspaper (Keeping yourself engrossed and aware with current events) instead it being wasted in watching futile Indian Idol shows.
same here dude. it sucks more than any other show on tv, coz others u can afford to miss. this is everywhere and has fools running all around it and talking all about it.
Chalo at least ....and at last I found a person whose thoughts are coherrent to mine...:)
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