I have this weird notion that is going on in present world.. True its very wierd but if even 1 % of it may be true it will show light to a bone chillin' reality !!!!!!...Lets read on :
Petroleum or in common language oil is perhaps the major jewel that is mandatory for the survival of human civilization in the current world. Probably 85 % of the gross energy needs of humans are met by oil. In any present day country its wealth, economy and the condition of its people depends on the amount of oil that it has in its possession.
One question I would like to put forward..”Which country in the world posses the maximum petroleum reserves. Many would say the answer to be some oil rich country from the Gulf. Sorry to disappoint, but the maximum oil deposits is possessed by a “NAÏVE” country by the name of United States of America.
Well this country has till now spent only 1 % of its oil reserves and thrives on the exodus of oil imports from the Gulf countries. Why?
Simple reason ; as with the rate at which the Arab world is exploiting (by mostly exports) its resources are bound to last for another 5-6 decades before permanently desiccating, and only after that the states would start using their own oil reserves.
It may be said that America can do anything for oil; well if so, then what I am about to share may be true.
Just imagine, Al Qaida and any form of Jihadi Terrorism never existed ,US’s CIA never funded Osama to go against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1979 ,US never helped Saddam Hussien in the Iraq-Iran conflict of the 1980’s, Israel the asian southpaw of Unites States from the very beginning got contempted with their territory and recognized Palestine as a state (middle east conflict never happened).
Let us consider this kind of a scenario existed in the present time, then inevitably the all the Gulf countries would have splendid economies, would boast of boasts of paradises like Dubai. Then the rich countries like India and China in order to support the mammoth population would require voluminous quantity of oil. Due to the duo being rich (their economy growing at unprecedented rate) they would have the liquidity to buy a large flux of oil from the Gulf nation. Thus both would be benefited bilaterally, the gulf countries’ economy would be boosted and the two power hungry beasts could get their quota of supper. Everybody would be happy ……well exactly no…one won’t be that amused by that our good old buddy USA.
If the above would happen the USA’s share of oil from the gulf would deplete (even though it’s economy would be strong it would not be able to afford the oil as it would’nt increase as that of the Asian mights ) and it would have to start using its own reserves , much sooner than it ever anticipated.
What if US, the smart Alex thought of all this before hand. Would’nt it be better for the US to go ahead and grab hold of these oil producing countries in the name of eliminating terrorism. What if Al Qaida is one of those CIA funded agencies to propagate the drama?..We have seen a number of conspiracy theories including the one about the American agencies responsible for the 9/11 attack. What if Osama is still a CIA agent doing frontline intelligence work for the US government. What if all these conspiracies became too hot to handle for Saddam Hussein and he wanted to back out and in doing so he was subsequently eliminated? How is it that Osama is roaming around Scott free in a region where there are coalition troops every 10 kilometers where as Saddam or any of the top Taliban leaders could not do so?
May be the probability of this kind of conspiracy flushed down the drain by experts is 99.999%. But what if in the near future this 0.001 % probability comes haunting in our face that America all the while has being deluding the entire world.
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