I am in my final year undergraduate course and its time like all other final year undergraduates to start pondering what would the "next step"(say it with hand quotes as Dr. Evil does) in life be.
Most feasible option job in an IT company, do coding work for an unknown customer in an entirely different part of the world(getting mentally and physically outsourced doing so) ,without having any clues why are asked to do the job in the first place ,at the same time enjoying the mellifluous lifestyle and feeding yourself with a lot from McDonalds ,the KFC and the Nirulas until one fine morning after five years you realize how screwed up your life has become and you get so pissed off that you resort to self-cannibalism. (Damn!!! That was a long sentence......But I dare you to find any mistakes in it :P)
If you ask me I would be more interested in a career that would have a viciously bumpy road ahead ,a career in which what you do makes at least some sense. I would love to pursue a career in which when you start it you are in a state of quandary and your progress is determined by how you perceive a real situation/phenomena(it may be the most difficult of all) and modifications you can do to make it more meaningful to humanity. I mean come on, if you have just this one life on Earth would'nt it be better you leave a permanent mark in this world ,and what better would it be that with the work that you do you are able to achieve this.
I would like to express my feelings during my last couple months internship period where I experienced physics at the highest level in the world. I am never saying here that just because I my work dealt with physics ,I liked it. Anywho,I was given a project that was very interesting , a very straight forward one, yest a project, that had real pragmatic scence in modern day cutting edge technology .To start up with the project I had to do some serious quantum mechanical stuff. Yes being an IIT graduate you are expected to know the subject but (IIT motto-"U mug the hell out of the course and you get an S in the course" , this is what I feel to be utterly ROTTEN in the IIT system, but thts altogether a different story), seriously despite getting an A in the subject in the first year when I picked up the book it was totally Hebrew to me. It was like hell for me in a foreign land!!!!
Slowly and steadily I began to understand the subject by actually visualizing and understanding how the theoretical improbable erudite phenomena can be applied to my problem. Things really began to ease out . As Richard Feynman pointed out there is really a pleasure of finding things out.
Gradually when I went on with my project everyday would be a new challenge for me. My progress in my work each day would be halted by a set of staunch predicaments and I would really have to crack my head to sprint through these obstacles, so that end of the day leave a happy man boosted with self confidence. But that very night after dinner over the ice-cream jar suddenly feeling the uneasiness in the stomach realizing a new set of problems that would hinder the progress of my project that I would have to think of the next day. However with each passing day traveling home ruminating while watching the majestic Dublin Bay I would get the feeling that despite all the frictions I am making a progress in my work.
At the end of it all when you get the desired result(it would not only make your boss happy), the happiness within, the inner conscious that exults with exhuberence that Damn it YES!!!!!!!!! all those days of hard work and uncertainty have finally paid off. It is the thinking sessions that I had with my bosses as well as my colleagues that I would really cherish.
Personally after all this I felt that despite knowing very less than the people around me , being amongst the most erudite people of all in the field as a result of my zeal to work and do something new I was able to make a small yet significant contribution in the work which they did.
Now this is the type of work that I would be really interested in where in my inputs, the way I perceive the project, my thinking would me to progress ahead in my career and would be the very reason my co-workers as well as my superiors would revere me.
Well this is what I think about how I would like to mould my life ....Your suggestions would be really invited in this blog entry........Do tell me what you think......Until next time ......Cheers !!